Cost of Euro 2021 on climate change

8 min readOct 17, 2022


Cost of Euro 2021 on climate change

Sustainability is the ability to enjoy the present enjoyments without compromising the ability of the future generations to enjoy theirs. Securing the future requires making some present comforts. It is expected that there will be more than 2 million flights across the 11 nations where the Euro 2020 will be held which works against the Kyoto protocol, which sought to reduce limit of greenhouse to 1. 5 degrees Celsius. It is also against the global target of reducing emissions to net zero by the year 2050. Originally, the event was to be held in 12 nations which would have aggravated the climate effect further. The aviation industry is one of the major contributors to global warming by approximately 3. 5 %. With the social distancing requirements and being that may, many lovers of the game are rich people from affluent nations, they will fly in their choppers from country to country. Climate change is happening and it is almost reaching a point where its effects will be irreversible. A stich in time can save the nine.

Climate change is evident in all aspects of human life from our wellbeing to the food we eat, the energy we use as well as our health. Any activity that we do in protecting the environments has its impacts shared by all. Equally, any negative consequence affects all of us in equal measure.

The more the flights the higher the amount of fuel burned. When fuel is burned, it produces greenhouse gas emissions which then lead to depletion of the ozone layer.


A climate change is any form of alteration that occurs to the atmosphere due to changes in its biology, geographic, chemical and geologic causing a depletion of the ozone layer. The ozone layer is important because it prevents the ultra violet rays from reaching the earth directly. The effects of climate change is evident in the melting ice sheets, rising ocean levels as in Florida, Cyclone in Mozambique, Forest fires in Vienna, the sub Saharan drought in Africa.

The article I am about to write is a masterpiece illustrating the significance steps that all must follow to salvage this glorious planet earth by the year 2200, roughly three generations from now. It will highlight the reasons why we should use resources sustainably without compromising the future generations from meeting their needs. There is enough for all our needs, but there is not enough for our greed. The negative effects of poor choices when handling the environment are evident in all our eyes to see. They are in the media, the social media, and even in our neighborhoods necessitating an urgent call to action to remedy the situation before it goes out of hand. While some people may be reluctant hoping that they have another place to go for instance those who are exploring other planets or those who have hope for a new heaven, let us be agents of peace and democracy by taking care of the environment. I do not dispute those who want to go to other planets, but that does not stop us from taking good care of planet earth. I also have no problem with those who want to go to heaven, but before you arrive in heaven, you should be able to look back and smile knowing that what you did left a smile in the faces of those who are left behind.

Green growth and industry transformations are needed now more than ever. Transformational leaders must balance their transformational agenda with environmental sustainability. A leader is chosen by the people, therefore the spokesperson, de facto leader, and the voice of the people. A people united with a purpose can never be defeated even in the quest to create a better future for all of us. When people are united, great things happen. Life is like a relay marathon, the first person went his round and brought the button, the second person went round with the button and brought to me and you who is reading this today, and we shall pass this same button to another person tomorrow when we are tired after running so fast to win in order not to disappoint hose who had come before me. We are not the last people to live on earth and probably we are not going to be the last unless this deadly pandemic called coronavirus (Covid-19) kills all of us. The virus is not only a public health emergency situation but it has also brought with it a political crisis, economic crisis, human crisis, and social crisis. It has brought a lot of sadness to many people due to loss of jobs, loss of life, and loss of livelihood exposing humanity’s vulnerabilities. Super power nations were shaken to the core, while small upcoming nations were not spared either.

The good news is that vaccinations have been rolled out all around the world with most countries embracing the vaccination with few reported cases where people have reported blood clotting such as Denmark and Norway while South Africa stopped the vaccination due to another strenuous virus. The wish of many people is that the virus can go away so that governments, businesses, and companies can work normally. The normal operation will open work in full gear where vehicles will move as people go to work after working remotely for long. The main danger is the use of vehicles because most of them produce smoke causing a concern on the global mobility policies which are equitable and sustainable. Besides going back to work, there is a constant movement of goods from town to town, village to village, city to city, continent to continent. There was a meeting at the United Nations where they committed that they want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions completely by the year 2050 by slowly and progressively reducing the number of machines that depend on energy that produce smoke and chemicals to the atmosphere to a level of zero emission. It has been projected by the World Bank that the world population will be 9. 7 billion in 2050. Courageous people like Mr. Cecil Cobin-Mark, an environmental justice civil rights activist from Harlem, New York City fought so hard to ensure this was signed into law plus increased allocation of 35 % to areas bearing the greatest brunt of pollution until he passed on in the year 2020 at the age of 51.

While the rich may afford to live in spacious houses with air conditioning, the poor who live in congested slums do not enjoy the same treatment making the war against environmental degradation an injustice to the poor. The factories which use fuel, petrol, diesel among other fossil fuels to produce smoke into the atmosphere will gradually be replaced by new ones that depend on solar energy, wind turbines, nuclear power, geothermal, and hydroelectric power among other natural energy sources which are free and do not affect the environment. I wish I could live up to the year 2200, is it one hundred and eighty years from now to see how the cumulative injustices that humans are doing to the climate will land it. The next front is therefore in the energy justice, what needs to be done to our energy sources. But maybe I won’t because scientific research has shown that human lifespan has greatly reduced and that many human beings die before their 100th birthday. The number of people who are above one hundred years old are few and countable. I wish I had the ability to prophesy, but then I am not a prophet. The year 2200 will be a year like other years since time will not stop counting. There will be days and nights, summer and winter. The main challenge is that the climate will be different after having endured years of mismanagement and neglect if we continue with the status quo. But all is not lost and since we have 180 years before we get there, we have a role as a generation to build strong foundation will build upon as we wait upon the year 2200 to see if the interventions put in place today will bring a significant then.

Problem statement

The main worry among parents to their children before anything else is when the child has enough food to eat and water to drink. Everything else like clothing and shelter can follow after the food has been eaten and thirst quenched. As a native African, I have heard stories of how my ancestors did not have clothing and that they used to put on skin hides from the animals they had killed and eaten in the jungle. The women and ladies would put on skin hides and s they walk along the road, they would keep on turning the hide according to the direction of the person they are going to meet just to ensure the person does not look inside. If the other person is coming from front, the hide is placed on front, when the person has passed and is now at the behind, the hide is also placed at the behind. Thank God the industrial revolution came and now we could now manufacture the clothes using factory machines which unfortunately came with damning effects to Mother Nature. The climate is continuously changing every new day and its effect is being borne by man, the flora and fauna due to decreasing water levels in some areas. The threat is being felt in all spheres of human life including the economy, the ecosystem, human health, and the main causes of climate change include methods of food production, clearing of forests to provide land for agriculture, and vehicles that pollute the environment using smoke causing global warming. The same people who need food are the same ones responsible for oceanic acidification, air pollution, soil degradation, and climate change leading to scarcity. Soil which is also suffer from effects of climate change due to tons of carbon deposited in it.

People should learn to travel when they have to travel. When there is an opportunity to avoid traveling, then that opportunity should be exploited. The dirty air and the smoke when it goes to the atmosphere causes the climate change effects to deplete the ozone layer.

Can nations leave without using fuel?

When the world continues to innovate on suitable alternatives, it creates opportunity for growth and development. In November 2021, the United Nations Climate Change Conference will he held in Glasgow, United Kingdom. Alternatives to jet fuel should be sought as soon as humanly possible.

Works Cited

Geiger, Nathaniel, Janet K. Swim, and John Fraser. “Creating a climate for change: Interventions, efficacy and public discussion about climate change.” Journal of Environmental Psychology 51 (2017): 104–116.

Nguyen, Xuan Phuong, et al. “Record decline in global CO2 emissions prompted by COVID-19 pandemic and its implications on future climate change policies.” Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2021): 1–4.

Philipsborn, Rebecca Pass, and Kevin Chan. “Climate change and global child health.” Pediatrics 141.6 (2018).

Pinto, Luis Fernando Guedes, and Mauricio Voivodic. “Reverse the tipping point of the Atlantic Forest for mitigation.” Nature Climate Change (2021): 1–2.




i love my life! Retweets are not endorsements! Peace love and unity